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Q: I have a blended curriculum from Attainment, and I'm not sure how to best incorporate the variety of materials. How can I use the printed books, videos, software, and apps without feeling overwhelmed?
Great question! A blended approach can help teach students with various abilities and learning preferences, but it does come with its own challenges, including time management. How can there be time to fit it all in? Let's keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all answer, but we do have some recommendations.
Let's look at Explore Your Community as an example. This curriculum is aimed at adolescents and adults in transition, and it focuses on real-life situations, like taking the bus and going to the movies.
In general, we suggest starting with the written materials in the Student Book, followed by a video modeling the behavior or skill you're trying to master, then an activity in the software or app to reinforce the lesson. If you're covering the lesson during the course of a week, you might start with using the print materials, then, try the software on the second day, and continue through the materials.
The Instructor's Guide includes a sequence for presentation so you may follow step-by-step. By giving you a structure to follow, we hope you'll have more time to focus on your students' individual needs.
You can also try giving individual students or small groups a chance to work on different activities at stations or centers; this can be very helpful when you're working with students of varying ability levels. Apps and software make this easy and free you up for more individualized support. One station could have a teacher leading a role-play activity, another station coule be run by a paraprofessional with students watching a video model, while a third group could use the software independently to test their comprehension of the topic.
Every student learns differently! Some students are very technologically driven, and we like to make it easy to tailor your instruction around your students' interests. Our software and apps not only reinforce the print curriculum, but also improve engagement for your diverse learners.