News And Resource Center

Incorporating Supplemental Resources
  • expert-advice
Did you know that ALL of Attainment’s curricular resources come with PDFs of student materials and an image library?


Did you know that ALL of Attainment’s curricular resources come with PDFs of student materials and an image library? Adaptations, accommodations, and modifications are key to student success, so we have provided a list of eight ideas with examples for incorporating Attainment’s supplemental resources into your classroom:

-Project PDFs onto the board for whole group lessons.

-Use the image library to create individualized student materials. You can adapt questions or create matching activities for students who need additional response support.

-Create overlays for a GoTalk or for pages in the GoTalk Now App using the image library.

-Use the image library to enhance classroom bulletin boards and connect ideas across subject areas.
-Modify the student materials in GoWorksheet Maker App (although many of our curricula have pre-made worksheets available for purchase).

-Laminate student materials and use dry-erase markers for repeated lessons.

-Print out additional copies of student worksheets and materials to model completion of the activity before students are required to do it independently.

-Print additional card sets and create differentiated instructional groups.