Hands-On Math for Early Numeracy Skills

A skills-based curriculum for teaching Pre-K students foundational numeracy skills
  • Pre-K - 4
Product Features:
  • Introduces math concepts within school standards
  • Lessons organized by three Skill Areas: Counting and Numbers, Sets, and Categories, Symbols, and Patterns
  • Begins with one-to-one correspondence and progresses to complex addition and ABAB pattern skills
  • Accommodates for a wide variety of fine motor skills
  • Incorporates number lines and other manipulatives
  • Transitions students from concrete to representational to abstract learners
Grouped product items
Product Name Price Qty
Hands-On Math for Early Numeracy Skills Curriculum Plus HM-EN30W
Hands-On Math - Early Numeracy Student Workbook 10 Pack HM-ENC01W