The Pathways to Literacy Starter Kit is geared towards students with significant disabilities who use alternative response modes to communicate. This kit provides a systematic way to bridge student understanding from concrete object use to picture representation. One adapted storybook - Jamaica's Find - along with a corresponding Teacher's Guide with five progressive levels of instruction, models how to adapt and use any storybook to engage students with more significant disabilities and improve both symbol use and comprehension. In addition, a Big Button communication device, story-related manipulatives for Jamaica's Find, a card set, and more are included in this kit. A symbol creation kit with foam stickers is also added to increase participation of students with visual impairments. The five levels of instruction are outlined nicely in Jamaica's Find Teacher's Guide, along with blank level scripts to be applied to additional books from your own classroom library. Upon completion of all five levels of instruction, students can start instruction with Level 1, Lesson 1 of the Early Literacy Skills Builder Starter Kit or from the complete ELSB Curriculum.
Includes: Implementation Guide, Jamaica's Find Teacher's Guide, Jamaica's Find adapted book, corresponding manipulatives, Big Button communication device, card sets, and an adaptative kit for students with visual impairments.
Copyright | 2011 |