DIG into Social Studies: Grades 3-5

Engage in 10 social studies themes that span all disciplines: History, Geography, Economics, & Civics
  • 2-6
  • Differentiated Instruction
    Differentiated Instruction

    This product integrates individualized student objectives to encourage active participation and access to learning.

  • Data Capture
    Data Capture

    This product includes ongoing assessments and progress monitoring tools to capture data and document student achievement.

  • Research Based
    Research Based

    This product uses highly effective instructional strategies supported by research to promote student learning and progress.

  • Standards Alignment
    Standards Alignment

    This product aligns to both state and Common Core standards.

  • Contains 20 instructional topics with 80 multi-component lessons across the four disciplines of History, Geography, Economics, and Civics
  • Specifically designed for students with extensive support needs in grades 3-5
  • Features content-based vocabulary words with parallels to real-world experiences
  • Uses task analytic instruction and Model-Lead-Test procedures to teach students to orally present what they learned to the group through a Community Chat
  • Provides assessments for various data collection purposes: progress monitoring, reteach, maintenance, and end-of-unit
  • Includes all the materials your classroom will need, like Student Readers, Student Workbooks, DIG Travel Notes books, Artifact Cards, Critical Skills Cards, and more!
Grouped product items
Product Name Price Qty
DIG into Social Studies 3-5 Curriculum DSS35-10
DIG into Social Studies 3-5 Curriculum Plus DSS35-30
DIG into Social Studies 3-5 Consumable Student Workbooks (2-Book Set, 20 Books) DSS35-C01SET