For our School-to-Home Solution: High School, we’ve chosen titles that cover both academics and real-world problems. Along with the Quick Reference Guides for teachers and parents, we’ve included workbooks from 6 curricular resources in ELA, math, science and social studies. For ELA, the Teaching to Standards: ELA’s Daily Writing Journal focuses on giving and supporting an opinion and other grade-level skills. The Access Language Arts: WRITE Extension Activity Book introduces students to various forms of written expression with functional activities like maps, recipes, letters, shopping lists, and more. Look at Everyday Math provides a compilation of skills, including those covering Bargain Math, Checkbook Math, Credit Card Math, Bank Account Math, and Budget Math. Great for real-world activities! The ScienceWork Extension Activity Book provides ready-made worksheets for extended practice on science concepts, ranging from earth science and biology to chemistry. For social studies, our Explore World History covers early humans to modern times through big ideas and social study tools—timelines, maps, tables, and more. Lastly, to connect students in high school to community and work, we’ve included our Job Skills Stories Workbook. The Workbook covers big ideas from all Pre-ETS categories and emphasize key transition skills like identifying one’s strengths, decision-making, and self-determination.
Each solution purchased includes a three-year subscription to valuable support materials accessible from the Attainment HUB.