Explore Chemistry Curriculum

Grade-aligned chemistry course that covers the composition of substances, their properties, and reactions
  • 9-12
  • Differentiated Instruction
    Differentiated Instruction

    This product integrates individualized student objectives to encourage active participation and access to learning.

  • Data Capture
    Data Capture

    This product includes ongoing assessments and progress monitoring tools to capture data and document student achievement.

  • Research Based
    Research Based

    This product uses highly effective instructional strategies supported by research to promote student learning and progress.

  • Standards Alignment
    Standards Alignment

    This product aligns to both state and Common Core standards.

  • Ideal companion product of the Explore Earth Science
  • Follows the same lesson sequence throughout 12 chapters of instruction: Getting Started, Vocabulary, Big Ideas 1- 5, Discovery, and Quiz/Review
  • Integrates UDL charts and evidence-based practices into a user-friendly format with scripted lesson plans that are 4 pages or less!
  • Provides opportunities for hands-on and extended learning, language-building opportunities, challenge exercises, and real-life connections
Grouped product items
Product Name Price Qty
Explore Chemistry Curriculum EC-10W
Explore Chemistry Curriculum Plus EC-30W
Explore Chemistry Consumable Student Workbooks (2-Book Set, 20 Books) EC-C01SETW
Science Skills Series SS-S01W