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Choose from any of Attainment's Best Practices titles to provide training on quality instruction and best practices for teaching students with disabilities.
Select from the following Best Practices titles:
NEW! Teaching English Learners with Extensive Support Needs - an instructional framework consisting of eight strategies for working with English learners with significant disabilities: Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Integrating Cultural Information, Primary Language Supports, Establishing Safe Learning Environments, Multiple Opportunities for Responding/Participating, Systematic and Explicit Instruction, Technology, and Self-Determination.
Teaching Students with ID and Autism
- Time Delay is a systematic and errorless instructional procedure in which a prompt is provided after a certain interval of time and naturally fades.
- System of Least Prompts is a strategy in which a teacher progresses through a prompting hierarchy (starting with the least intrusive to the most intrusive) in order to elicit a correct student response.
- Model-Lead-Test provides students with multiple opportunities to practice a new skill with direct teacher involvement.
- Embedded Instruction is explicit, systematic instruction designed to give students instructional trials within the ongoing routines and activities of the students’ day.
- Task Analytic Instruction is the process of breaking down a skill or behavior into steps in order to teach one step at a time.
Teaching Students with Communication Disorders
- Making Learning Meaningful and Rewarding (social and tangible rewards, communication temptations, mass and distributed practice)
- Meeting the Learner’s Needs (cloze technique, pause time, minimal pair contrasts, checking for understanding, and self-correction)
- Scaffolds and Supports (chunk and chain, modeling and imitation, scripts, carrier phrases, expansions and extensions)
- Clear Expectations/Consistent Feedback (clear objective, specific verbal praise, general verbal praise, specific corrective feedback, general corrective feedback)
- Maximizing Time/Focused Learning (foreshadowing, attending cue, evoked production, redirection, reactive conflict resolution)
Mastering the IEP Process
- What Is an IEP? defines what an IEP is, its purpose, its development, and the elements that need to be included in the IEP.
- Understanding IEP Meetings emphasizes the importance of IEP meetings and who is required by law to attend.
- Supporting Parents as Partners discusses the integral role of parents in the IEP meeting and how staff can take steps before, during, and after the meeting to reassure the parent.
- Writing Measurable IEP Goals and Objectives defines measurability in relation to the IEP, along with conditions/givens, observable learner performance, criterion or level of performance, selecting goals, and ultimately writing goals and objectives.
- Writing Measurable Functional and Transitional Goals describes what makes a goal functional as well as how task analysis helps in the context of functional goals.
Mastering the Transition Process
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) examines the key regulations of WIOA, including its impact on youth as well as students and adults with disabilities.
- Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) outlines the five required Pre-ETS activities as defined by WIOA: Job Exploration, Work-Based Learning, Post-Secondary Training, Workplace Readiness, and in Self-Advocacy.
- Discovery Process highlights this person-centered approach to match a person’s interests and talents with the most appropriate work environment(s).
- Job Developer Professional Development focuses on the primary role of the job developer—business engagement.
- Job Coach Professional Development emphasizes the instrumental role of the job coach in supporting workers with disabilities to be successful in seeking and maintaining competitive integrated employment.
Subject | Professional Resources |
Age Group | Age Neutral |