Attainment Partners with Laureate
Laureate Learning systems is the leading developer of language intervention software for learners with intellectual disability or autism. Why? Laureate programs uniquely combine foundational research, clinical experience, and extensive field testing with superior educational design. Systematic instruction provides lesson structure while animated characters and consistent feedback entice students to engage.
A well thought out progression of programs build upon each other. Laureate software programs share two critical components: Sterling Administration System (SAS) and Optimized Intervention.® Both were researched extensively through NIH grants. SAS is a uniform management system that maintains a single student log across all programs for an unlimited number of students. You can manage individualized settings and analyze performance data quickly. Optimized Intervention® is powerful technology that automatically presents students with the exact lessons they need by continually analyzing their response patterns. This smart approach makes instruction faster, more effective, and encourages students to work independently.
Attainment Partners with Slater-SunCastle Technology
Attainment is pleased to announce a new partnership with Slater-SunCastle Technology, developer of Assistive Technology software resources for parents and teachers. They have created valuable picture-assisted writing tools for students and powerful teacher tools to adapt curricula.
PixWriter Software is a talking picture and word processor. It helps students write independently by combining symbol support with highlighted text and speech. This allows users to compose written documents without mastering phonics, spelling, and alphabet skills.

Success is not measured by the heights one attains, but by the obstacles one overcomes in its attainment.
~Booker T. Washington