CPR + AED Basics

Prepare learners with differing abilities for the CPR exam and certification in an engaging, fun, and interactive way!
  • 9-12
  • Differentiated Instruction
    Differentiated Instruction

    This product integrates individualized student objectives to encourage active participation and access to learning.

  • Data Capture
    Data Capture

    This product includes ongoing assessments and progress monitoring tools to capture data and document student achievement.

  • Research Based
    Research Based

    This product uses highly effective instructional strategies supported by research to promote student learning and progress.


  • Field tested with Project SEARCH students at CCHMC in need of CPR certification for competitive integrated employment in the healthcare field
  • Designed to decrease anxiety in students with disabilities who need CPR certification to obtain employment
  • Blended with both print and digital components to reach ALL learners
  • Based on the true story of Perla, a Project SEARCH graduate, who learned CPR and saved the life of a toddler

The CPR + AED Basics Toolkit was developed under a license agreement with Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC). For more information on the licensee, click on the Research tab below.

Grouped product items
Product Name Price Qty
CPR + AED Basics Toolkit CPR-10W
CPR + AED Basics Toolkit Plus CPR-30W