Access Language Arts: WRITE Software

A researched and standards-based approach for secondary students practicing reading and writing skills

Product Features:

  • NEW web-based version available
  • Prompts students to write grade-aligned opinion paragraphs for nonfiction and fiction
  • Improves reading comprehension and vocabulary development
  • Use as a complement to Teaching to Standards: English Language Arts or a stand-alone program 

If your district uses an MDM system to distribute apps, please check with your IT Department before purchasing
iPad or Android apps.

App Store Get it on Google Play

Grouped product items
Product Name Price Qty
Access Language Arts: WRITE - 1 Device APP-ALW-07W
Access Language Arts WRITE Web Subscription - 1 Year WEB1-ALW-07W
Access Language Arts WRITE Web Subscription - 3 Years WEB-ALW-07W